Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development
National Inspection of Seeds' Quality
The National Inspection of Seeds' Quality is the official regulatory body, within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, with the responsibility for official seed and propagation material certification in Romania.
"The control, certification of identity and quality of seeds, the registration, supervision, monitoring and accreditation of economic operators supplying seeds, through all the phases of production, processing and marketing, are carried out by the National Inspection for the Quality of Seeds, a specialized service within the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, according to technical rules and norms and with international regulations in force.
The National Inspection for the Quality of Seeds has the following duties:
registers, issues and withdraws the authorizations
of operation for the economic operators that carry out the production,
processing and/or marketing of seeds, as the case may be; with respect of
provisions art. 4-6.
submits for approval to the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Forestry legislation drafts concerning seeds quality;
organizes, coordinates and controls the activity of the Territorial Inspectorates for the quality of seeds and propagating material and of the Central Laboratory for the Quality of Seeds and Propagating Material;
issues rules, norms and instructions for the production, control, certification, accreditation and marketing in accordance with international regulations in the field of seeds, in which Romania takes part, registers the annual applications for the multiplication of seeds and follows their application;
ensures and performs the control for maintaining the quality of seeds of all
biological categories, through pre-control and post-control, through adequate
scientific schemes and techniques;
ensures the connection with specialized international bodies in the field of seeds;
accredits natural and legal persons which meet the conditions established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to carry out field inspection, to sampling and test seed quality, to issue documents and perform other specific activities under its supervision;
may withdraw the acreditation, cancel the issued documents or measures taken by the accredited persons, if to ascertain that their obligations have been broken, in accordance with the the accreditation norms and contract of accreditation;
ensures the training and attesting of specialized
persons for the specific activities.
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Our address:
Bvl. Carol I 24, sector 3, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 21 3078663; + 40 21 3072428
Fax: +40 21 3078663
e-mail: ;
The seed control and seed certification regulations are available at the following website address:
Contact persons - INCS:
Head - Mr.Dadulescu Laurentiu Nicolae, phone: +40 21 3078663
Counsellor: Mrs. Negru Bratu Constanta, phone: +40 21 3078663
Counsellor: Miss Mirela Lazar, phone: +40 21 3072428
Counsellor: Mrs. Grecu Rodica, phone: +40 021 307 23 33
Counsellor: Mrs.Tutuianu Manuela, phone: +40 021 307 24 28
Counsellor: Mrs.Salagean Diana, phone: +40 021 307 23 33
In the laboratory ISTA test area:
Central Laboratory for Seeds' and Propagating Material Quality
- ISTA accredited (LCCSMS)
Sandu Aldea Street, no 10, sector 1, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 21 224 02 64; +40 21 222 84 20
Fax: +40 21 224 02 91
Maria Muset - general manager
In the testing and registration of varieties area:
The State Institute for Testing and Registration of Varieties
website address:
Marasti no 61, sector 1, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 21 223 14 25; +40 21 225 00 07
Fax: +40 21 222 56 05
Ivascu Antonia
- general manager